

Are you a member of the public looking for information? Do you have a concern about your insurance, or a complaint about an insurance licence holder?

Consumer Information

Persons engaged in insurance activity defined as an agent or adjuster must first become licensed through the Insurance Council of Manitoba. The Council investigates complaints concerning the conduct of licence holders to determine if they have breached the standards governing proper practice of insurance professionals. If it is determined a violation has occurred, the Council may discipline the licensee by suspending or cancelling a licence, attaching conditions to a licence, or imposing a fine and/or the costs of an investigation. Disciplinary action may also be imposed on former licensees, and the Council may take civil action to address certain unlicensed insurance activity.

Home Insurance

Verify Licences and Agencies

Information you can obtain includes:

  • Whether or not an individual is licensed
  • The type of insurance a licensed person is authorized to conduct
  • If there are any conditions on a licence
  • If supervision is required
  • Whether or not they have been subject to disciplinary action

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Additional Resources

Financial Institutions Regulation Branch

The Financial Institutions Regulation Branch (“FIRB”) regulates financial institutions and cooperatives in Manitoba. Financial institutions are credit unions, caisses populaires, insurance companies, and trust and loan companies.

Manitoba Public Insurance

Manitoba Public Insurance (“MPI”) is a Crown corporation that delivers insurance, registration and licensing services to Manitoba drivers. MPI provides basic compulsory, universally available auto insurance coverage to Manitobans.  MPI is governed by the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporations Act and administers The Drivers and Vehicles Act, and The Highway Traffic Act.

If the Insurance Council of Manitoba (“ICM”) receives a complaint against Manitoba Public Insurance (“MPI”), the consumer should take the following steps: 

  1. Speak with their MPI Case Manager/Adjuster
  2. Contact MPI – Fair Practices and Customer Relations, (204) 985-8117
  3. If the Fair Practices office is unable to provide assistance, contact the Manitoba Ombudsman at 750-500 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3X1 , (204) 982-9130,

General Insurance OmbudService

The General Insurance OmbudService (“GIO”) is an independent organization, created in 2002, with the sole purpose of helping Canadian consumers resolve disputes or concerns with their home, auto or business insurers.

OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance

The OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance (“OLHI”) is a free, independent and impartial dispute resolution public service for Canadian life and health insurance consumers. OLHI’s bilingual public service is free and available to any consumer whose health or life insurance company is an OLHI member. Consumers may contact OLHI at any time for general information about how to make a complaint with their insurance company or to ask OLHI to review a complaint.

Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations

The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (“CCIR”) and the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (“CISRO”) have jointly developed a guidance on the Fair Treatment of Customers.  Although the insurer is the ultimate risk carrier, licensed agents are often the first to enter in contact with Customers through their distribution firm. Fair treatment of Customers encompasses concepts such as ethical behavior, acting in good faith and the prohibition of abusive practices.  To read the guidance, please click here.

Codes of Conduct