Independent Insurance Adjuster Licensing Procedures
New Adjuster Licensing Rules came into effect January 1, 2024 and are available on the ICM website - Licensing Rules.
Any person holding an adjuster's licence is required to comply with The Insurance Act of Manitoba, the Insurance Adjuster's Licensing Rules, the Regulations and the Adjuster's Code of Conduct.
Applicants whereby an examination is required can contact the Council's office at (204) 988-6800 to arrange a date and time.
The following defines the restrictions and/or authorizations and requirements to obtain and maintain each level of licence.
Level 1 Assistant Adjuster
Must be sponsored and employed by an adjusting firm.
Must successfully complete one of the following:
- C11 (Principles and Practice of Insurance), or
- C81 and C82 (General Insurance Essentials), or
- A written examination set by Council (pass mark 75%), or
- The ILS Level 1 General and Adjuster Insurance Licence Program (ILS L1).
Must be supervised by a supervising adjuster who has held a Level 2 or Level 3 Adjuster licence for a continuous period of at least three years immediately before becoming the supervising adjuster.
Must provide to council a fully completed Supervision Agreement.
Prohibited from: managing an office of an adjusting firm; supervising an adjuster or assistant adjuster licensed under these rules; signing any reports or correspondence unless the report or correspondence has been reviewed by an individual holding a Level 2 or Level 3 Adjuster licence; and acting as the designated representative of an adjusting firm.
Level 2 Adjuster
Must hold or be eligible to hold a Level 1 Assistant Adjuster licence.
Must successfully complete the following Insurance Institute of Canada courses:
- C11 (Principles and Practice of Insurance), and
- C12 (Insurance on Property), and
- any one of the following: C15 (Loss Adjustment and Claims Settlement), C17 (Claims 1), C110 (Essentials of Loss Adjusting), and
- any one of the following: C13 (Insurance Against Liability - Part 1), C14 (Automobile Insurance - Part 1), C111 (Advanced Loss Adjusting), C112 (Practical Issues in Claims Management).
Must have been employed as an assistant adjuster or adjuster, or worked under contract as an adjuster, in a multiline general insurance company or adjusting firm for a cumulative total of at least two years within the five-year period immediately before the day the application is made.
Must be sponsored by an adjusting firm and is either employed by or works under contract for the firm.
May act as the supervising adjuster of the holder of a Level 1 Assistant Adjuster licence.
May manage an office of an adjusting firm.
Prohibited from: acting as the designated representative of an adjusting firm.
Level 3 Adjuster
Must hold or be eligible to hold a Level 2 Adjuster licence.
Must successfully complete the following Insurance Institute of Canada courses:
- C32 (Bodily Injury Claims), and
- any one of the following: C46 (Claims 2), C41 (Property Loss Adjustment), C111 (Advanced Loss Adjusting), and
- C112 (Practical Issues in Claims Management).
Must have attained the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) Designation from the Insurance Institute of Canada.
Must be employed as an adjuster, or worked under contract as an adjuster, in a multiline general insurance company or an adjusting firm for a cumulative total of at least five years within the 10-year period immediately before the day the application is made.
Must be sponsored by an adjusting firm and is either employed by or works under contract for that firm.
May act as the supervising adjuster of the holder of a Level 1 Assistant Adjuster licence.
May manage an office of an adjusting firm.
May act as the designated representative of an adjusting firm.
Adjusting Firm Licence
A sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation is eligible for an adjusting firm licence if it:
- provides the council with evidence of registration with the Companies Office of the Government of Manitoba;
- operates in a physical location that is separate from any financial institution or insurance company;
- does not hold itself out to the public, including on the Internet, as being part of any financial institution or insurance company;
- carries on business separately from any financial institution or insurance company;
- employs at least one adjuster as the adjusting firm's designated representative;
- employs or engages at least one adjuster holding a Level 2 or Level 3 adjuster licence to manage each branch office other than the office at which the designated representative is located;
- employs or engages at least one adjuster holding a Level 2 or Level 3 adjuster licence to supervise individuals holding Level 1 assistant adjuster licences in each branch office at which an individual holding a Level 1 assistant adjuster licence is located; and
- provides the council with the name and current contact information of the designated representative and each adjuster who supervises an individual holding a Level 1 assistant adjuster licence.
A sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation that operates in one or more jurisdictions outside Manitoba must provide the council with evidence of good standing in each jurisdiction in which it operates to be eligible for an adjusting firm licence.
A designated representative is responsible for the management and operations of the adjusting firm and must hold a Level 3 adjuster licence.
An adjusting firm must advise the council as soon as practicable of any change to the identity or contact information of the firm's designated representative; or any adjuster responsible for supervising an individual holding a Level 1 assistant adjuster licence at the firm.
Additional Licensing Information
Pursuant to Section 371(2) of the Insurance Act of Manitoba, the completion of an application and passing of a written examination does not guarantee the issue of a licence. Each applicant must first be found suitable to hold a licence.
Manitoba's licensing year for independent insurance adjusters runs from July 1 to June 30, and licence fees are not prorated.
Adjusters must accumulate eight (8) hours of continuing education annually between July 1 and June 30. More information on continuing education can be found here.