Accredited Course Providers (ACPs)
Updated March 2019
The Insurance Council of Manitoba has appointed various organizations as course providers for Accident & Sickness, General, Life and Independent Insurance Adjuster's continuing education.
As an Accredited Course Provider (ACP), you are not required to submit course outlines or complete the course provider application each time you will be presenting a program. Council's approval letter provides you with the authority to assign credit hours. If your company would like to apply to become an ACP, please complete the application form that follows the guidelines and return by e-mail, fax or mail to the Council's office.
All ACPs are required to provide certificates of attendance evidencing the date of the course, the course title, the attendee's name, the instructor's name and the number of approved ICM credit hours.
Refer to the User Guide for Accredited Course Providers (ACP's) to assist with maintenance of Continuing Education (CE) Credit Hours.
Click here to search for Accredited Course Providers (ACPs)
On-line Portal - Course Provider Login
Guidelines for ACPs
Accredited Course Providers (ACPs) must:
Offer courses that are designed to meet the requirements for the attendees as defined by the Continuing Education (CE) Definition for the class(es) of insurance for which the provider has received ICM approval. Course content that does not meet the Council’s definition is not eligible for ICM credit hours. Partial credits may be applied where the full program includes partial material that does comply with the definition and partial material where the subject matter does not comply with the definition.
Undertake a regular evaluation of course content to monitor the quality of the material and ensure it meets current industry standards and needs.
Accept responsibility for verifying the qualifications of individual instructors and monitoring the instructor’s continued effectiveness in the delivery of the material.
Have a designated continuing education contact person, and advise the ICM of that contact information.
Assigning Credit Hours
A course must be a minimum of 30 minutes in length to be considered for approval.
Assign one (1) credit hour for each hour of actual course time based on the eligible CE definition. The number of credits assigned to a course does not include refreshment breaks and/or non-working lunch.
Only actual credit hours can be assigned. For example, if a course is scheduled for eight (8) hours, but ends after four (4) hours, the attendee is eligible for four (4) credit hours.
All courses including online, webcasts, conferences or self-study must have a verifiable method of confirming attendance or completion (such as sign-in and sign-out sheets, scanned badges, passing an exam/quiz, roll call) for the entire presentation. Where an exam/quiz is required, the pass requirement is determined by the course provider but a mark of at least 60% is required to pass.
Course leaders, instructors or moderators are eligible to receive two credit hours for each hour the course has been approved.
Certificates and Records
Certificates of attendance must be issued to attendees by the course provider within thirty (30) days of course completion and may be sent via email. If the attendee is audited by the ICM, a certificate must be issued to the attendee within 7 days.
Attendees must be provided with a certificate of attendance that includes, name of the attendee, the ICM course number, number of ICM credit hours, date of the course, name of the course provider, and full name of the course. Certificates with incomplete or inaccurate information may be rejected by ICM.
Certificates must not be issued to an attendee who did not attend for the full credit hours shown on the certificate.
Attendance records for Manitoba participants shall be maintained by the course provider for a period of at least two (2) years from the course date for ICM audit verification purposes, and provide those records to the ICM upon request. Records must include the name of each attendee, the ICM course number, number of ICM credit hours, date of the course, name of the course provider, and full name of the course.
The Insurance Council of Manitoba reserves the right to monitor the content and delivery of course material.
Application to become an Accredited Course Provider (ACP)
Application to change the contact person for an existing Accredited Course Provider (ACP)