
Licence Renewal 2023

Adjuster Renewal is open until June 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.  Login to the On-line Portal to complete your licence renewal.  Click for Adjuster Information

Click for Agent Information: Agent Renewal is now closed.  Refer to the User Guide - to Reinstate a Licence for information on how to reinstate a licence.

Notices sent following AGENT renewal:

NOTICE - Operating Agents Notified of Closure of Renewal

NOTICE - Insurance Companies Notified of Closure of Renewal

NOTICE - Agents Notified of Non-Renewal as of June 1, 2023

Licence Renewal 2024

Adjuster Renewal is open until June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.  Login to the On-line Portal to complete your licence renewal.  Click for Adjuster Information

Agent Renewal is now closed.  Refer to the User Guide - to Reinstate a Licence for information on how to reinstate a licence.  Click for Agent Information

Notices sent following AGENT renewal:

NOTICE - Insurance Companies Notified of Closure of Renewal
NOTICE - Operating Agents Notified of Closure of Renewal
NOTICE - Agents Notified of Non-Renewal as of June 1, 2024

ADJUSTER Licence Renewal is now closed (as of July 1/23). 

Without a valid insurance adjuster licence, you are prohibited from carrying on the activities of an adjuster in the province of Manitoba as of July 1, 2023

How do I Apply to Reinstate my Licence?

- Follow all information outlined in the User Guide - to Reinstate a Licence
- Complete the online reinstatement application(s)
- $70 reinstatement fee & Annual Licence Fee
- Review by your sponsor/authorizer is required prior to submission to the ICM
- Errors & Omissions Insurance may be required as noted within the application

Important Notes: 

Submission of an application does not permit you to act as an adjuster. 
A licence must be issued and you must receive email confirmation from the ICM of your reinstatement prior to acting as an adjuster.
Resident adjusters only (not including Hail adjusters): Failure to reinstate your licence within 5-years of expiration will subject you to educational and licensing requalification.


Looking for a Status Update?

Due to high volumes of applications received at the ICM office, the processing times may extend beyond the typical 7-business days, and could extend up to 21-business days at this time. 
Please do not contact the ICM office for a status update unless the application has been “Pending ICM Review” for over 21-business days.

Refer to the Progress Bar Explanation below.
Progress Bar - Explanation of Terms as noted at the top of your online application
“Waiting to Submit”= application is pending with the applicant for information.

“Pending Authorizer’s Review” = application is with the sponsoring organization to review and submit to the ICM for consideration of a licence. If the application is in this stage, please contact your sponsor to determine why there may be a delay in their review and submission to the ICM. The ICM does not contact the sponsor on the applicant's behalf.

“Pending ICM Review”
 = application is pending with the ICM for review and consideration of a licence. Once the application is in this stage, the application would be reviewed within 7-business days.

“Approved” = application has been approved for a licence. Note that this does not mean that a licence has been issued. A confirmation of licensing email will be sent to the stakeholder once a licence has been issued, and the licence will be made public under the Licence Search on ICM’s website. 


ADJUSTER Licence Renewal is now closed (as of July 1/22). 

Without a valid insurance adjuster licence, you are prohibited from carrying on the activities of an adjuster in the province of Manitoba as of July 1, 2022

How do I Apply to Reinstate my Licence?

- Follow all information outlined in the User Guide - to Reinstate a Licence
- Complete the online reinstatement application(s)
- $70 reinstatement fee & Annual Licence Fee
- Review by your sponsor/authorizer is required prior to submission to the ICM
- Errors & Omissions Insurance may be required as noted within the application

Important Notes: 

Submission of an application does not permit you to act as an adjuster. 
A licence must be issued and you must receive email confirmation from the ICM of your reinstatement prior to acting as an adjuster.
Resident adjusters only (not including Hail adjusters): Failure to reinstate your licence within 5-years of expiration will subject you to educational and licensing requalification.


Looking for a Status Update?

Due to high volumes of applications received at the ICM office, the processing times may extend beyond the typical 7-business days, and could extend up to 14-business days at this time. 
Please do not contact the ICM office for a status update unless the application has been “Pending ICM Review” for over 14-business days.

Refer to the Progress Bar Explanation below.
Progress Bar - Explanation of Terms as noted at the top of your online application
“Waiting to Submit”= application is pending with the applicant for information.

“Pending Authorizer’s Review” = application is with the sponsoring organization to review and submit to the ICM for consideration of a licence. If the application is in this stage, please contact your sponsor to determine why there may be a delay in their review and submission to the ICM. The ICM does not contact the sponsor on the applicant's behalf.

“Pending ICM Review”
 = application is pending with the ICM for review and consideration of a licence. Once the application is in this stage, the application would be reviewed within 7-business days.

“Approved” = application has been approved for a licence. Note that this does not mean that a licence has been issued. A confirmation of licensing email will be sent to the stakeholder once a licence has been issued, and the licence will be made public under the Licence Search on ICM’s website. 

ADJUSTER Licence Renewal is now closed (as of July 1/24). 

Without a valid insurance adjuster licence, you are prohibited from carrying on the activities of an adjuster in the province of Manitoba as of July 1, 2024

How do I Apply to Reinstate my Licence?

- Follow all information outlined in the User Guide - to Reinstate a Licence
- Complete the online reinstatement application(s)
- $70 reinstatement fee & Annual Licence Fee
- Review by your sponsor/authorizer is required prior to submission to the ICM
- Errors & Omissions Insurance may be required as noted within the application

Important Notes: 

Submission of an application does not permit you to act as an adjuster. 
A licence must be issued and you must receive email confirmation from the ICM of your reinstatement prior to acting as an adjuster.
Resident adjusters only (not including Hail adjusters): Failure to reinstate your licence within 3-years of expiration will subject you to educational and licensing requalification.

Where You'll Find Us

466-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0T6
  • PHONE:
    (204) 988 6800
  • FAX:
    (204) 988 6801