Licensing Information

COVID-19 Important Information

The below links provide information on items such as applying for a NEW licence, applying to reinstate a licence, applying to amend or transfer a licence, providing the educational requirements in each class of insurance, providing information on Errors & Omissions Insurance, Guidelines for Additional Occupations, Criminal Record Checks, Fees, and User Guides which assist the user in many areas of the system.  We encourage all users to review the User Guide(s) that is applicable to their situation before contacting the ICM office.

Manitoba's Licence Year is outlined in The Insurance Act of Manitoba.  Agents licenses run from June 1 to May 31 and Adjusters licenses run from July 1 to June 30 each year. Fees are not pro-rated and must be paid in full.

Exam Process

Life and Accident & Sickness Information

General Agent/Broker Information

Insurance Adjusters Information

Hail Agent and Adjuster Information

Restricted Insurance Agents - Incidental Sale of Insurance

Material Changes - When to Disclose them to the ICM

Miscellaneous Licensing Information: 

Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation 389/87 R

Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Additional Occupations

Criminal Record Check

Fee Schedule (Exam fee, Licence fees, Transfer/Reinstatement fees, etc.)

Holding Out

Licensing Statistics

Mandatory E&O Insurance Reporting

User Guides and FAQs


Where You'll Find Us

466-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0T6
  • PHONE:
    (204) 988 6800
  • FAX:
    (204) 988 6801